Course Offers Officers and Sr NCM Opportunity to Understand Law of Armed Conflict
The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will now be offering officers and senior non-commissioned members an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Law of Armed Conflict.
“Provided by instructors from the Canadian Forces Military Law Centre, the Intermediate Law of Armed Conflict Course (ILOAC) is designed to provide officers and senior non-commissioned members with a greater understanding of Canada’s obligations and their own personal responsibilities under the Law of Armed Conflict,” stated CANFORGEN 075/23.
The course will cover the Geneva and Hague Conventions along with other international legal instruments and treaties, plus pertinent Canadian law. The course is four days long.
Course Details
The course will be offered over the next few months in several locations.
These locations include:
- Ottawa, in French, from May 9-12, 2023.
- Winnipeg, in English, from June 9-6, 2023.
- Edmonton, in English, from Sept. 12-15, 2023.
- Kingston, in English, from Oct. 10-13, 2023.
- Halifax, in English, from Nov. 7-10, 2023.
- Valcartier, in French, from Jan. 16-19,2024.
- Esquimalt, in English, from Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2024.
Anyone at the Sgt/PO2 rank and above who wish to take the course “should request a nomination in MITE through their Chain of Command or Unit Training Coordinator,” according to the CANFORGEN.
If you wish to take this course but it is not being offered in your area, contact CFSTG Borden at STG-OPSTRG-SSOTRGIST(AT)INTERN.MIL.CA or CFMLC POC IS MCPL B.N SHULGA CSN 271-6696 OR BRITTANY.SHULGA(AT)FORCES.GC.CA.