
CAF Reviewing Barriers to Employment for Designated Group Members

Part of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Employment Systems Review (ESR), the CAF is currently reviewing barriers to employment for Designated Group Members (DGMS) across the Forces.

The group members include women, indigenous peoples, visible minorities, persons with disabilities and members of LGBTQ2+.

Data Collection Underway

According to CANFORGEN 122/22, released in late 2022, gathering data under the CAF ESR began in the winter of 2022.

This phase of the project will identify employment barriers and provide insight into the “knowledge and attitudes of CAF members” about the Employment Equity (EE) race.

The phase will also inform the CAF EE plan and find solutions for the employment barriers minorities face.

Gathering Data

The data will be gathered via telephone interviews and online consultations across the country with stakeholders and key personnel of the CAF. People will be contacted directly for their participation.

“Maximum participation is needed to ensure the success of this project. COC and supervisors at all levels are requested to provide their staff the time required to participate in the data collection,” stated a CANFORGEN signed by MGen. Bourgon, Acting Commander, Military Personnel Command.

About ESR

The ESR is a federally mandated review and a requirement under the Employment Equity Act. It is comprised of three parts: qualitative component, quantitative component, and CAF Human Resources policy document review. Right now, the qualitative component is taking place.

“The purpose is to determine whether Designated Group Members (DGMS)…experience employment barriers,” stated the CANFORGEN.

It analyzes all sectors of the CAF, from recruitment, selection and enrolment to individual training and professional development. It also analyzes employment barriers in career management promotions, retention, re-engagement, release, workplace accommodations, and other working conditions.

The project has been reviewed and approved by the DND/CAF Social Science Research Board (SSRRB) under SSRRB approval number 1996/21F.

Questions about this project can be directed to intranet positional mailbox here.

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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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