CAF Postpones Nijmegen March Representation Until Summer 2026
The Canadian military’s participation in the world-renowned four-day Nijmegen March has been postponed until the summer of 2026, according to a recent memo from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).
According to CANFORGEN 135/23, the decision to postpone CAF representation in March was made “in order to enable all L1s to continue working towards overall reconstitution and modernization efforts.”
The decision to postpone participation until 2026 extends a postponement decision that has been in effect since 2022. However, the military will continue to maintain a JTF Nijmegen Desk Officer who will help to “preserve corporate knowledge and ensure future success.” The desk officer will also be responsible for fielding any questions regarding the exercise.
About Nijmegen March
The Nijmegen March, conducted in the Netherlands, attracts approximately 50,000 marchers from 73 countries every year. Canada has participated in the event since 1952 and in more recent times in an official capacity under “authority JTF NIJMEGEN.”
The march, which has been happening for over 110 years, began as a military march. In its history, the March, which is also known as the 4D Marches, only took a hiatus for two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To reach out to the JTF Nijmegen Desk Officer, reach out at DIANNE.GROULX(AT)FORCES.GC.CA , CSN: 225-8840, COMM: 613-901-8840.