His Majesty’s Canadian Ship Regina Completes Joint Littoral Targeting Exercise
His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Regina completed Joint Littoral Targeting Exercise 2024 (JoLTEX 24) at the United States Navy’s Point Mugu Sea Range this fall.

Honing Ability
While off the coast of Southern California, HMCS Regina supported the Royal Canadian Navy’s mission to participate in exercises that hone its ability to employ sea-based weapons against targets on or near land.
“His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Regina’s precise delivery of surface-to-surface kinetic effects during Joint Littoral Targeting Exercise 2024 demonstrates the crew’s commitment to combat readiness and their professional excellence. As evolving maritime threats shift between open ocean and littoral environments, realistic training scenarios are essential to prepare our sailors for future high-intensity naval and joint operations. I couldn’t be prouder to be part of Regina’s outstanding team and what they’ve accomplished during this exercise,” said Commander Jeremy Samson, Commanding Officer HMCS Regina.

According to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), JoLTEX “developed and tested targeting processes,” including firing surface-to-surface missiles against a simulated surface-to-surface combatant. This exercise was conducted using a Harpoon Block II missile.
“The successful launch of a Harpoon Block II missile at a littoral (or near-shore) target reinforces a critical capability for Canada’s Pacific Fleet and the Royal Canadian Navy. Joint Littoral Targeting Exercise 2024 provided our sailors with a valuable training opportunity to exercise the targeting process through to the firing of a live missile in support of land forces. The capacity to do this in a complex environment is an essential aspect of joint and multinational operations. This demonstrates our Navy’s commitment to maintaining a flexible and combat-capable maritime force,” said Commodore Dave Mazur, Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific.
The Harpoon Block II missile has advanced capabilities that enable it to engage targets with high proficiency regardless of proximity to land or obstacles.

Navigating through challenges
The exercise also gave RCN sailors a chance to navigate challenges. According to the CAF, the first Harpoon missile fired during JoLTEX 24 was aborted by American Point Mugu Sea Range staff shortly after launch.
“Safety is paramount during any military live fire exercise, with communications with the missile and range facility verified before launch. If communication is lost – even temporarily, and for any reason – the range will terminate the missile in flight,” explained SLt / Ens 1 | Simon Gonsalves, Public Affairs Officer Maritime Forces Pacific.
HMCS Regina’s crew was prepared for this possibility, said the spokesperson, and in fact, this incident played well into the crew’s training.
“Live-fire naval exercises are partially conducted to test a warship’s adaptability to changing circumstances. These exercises allow Canada’s ships and sailors to advance important skills under immersive conditions. After the abortion of the first missile, Regina’s combat team rapidly launched a follow-on missile that successfully reached its target,” added Gonsalves.
Despite this unexpected alteration to plans, the exercise still had many beneficial factors for RCN sailors.
“JoLTEX 24 progressed several capabilities, including synchronizing communication pathways with a deployed warship, the development of targets in the maritime domain, and certifying that the tasked asset was able to successfully engage its onboard Harpoon Block II missile system. Importantly, our sailors also had the opportunity to advance their combat skills and procedural familiarity,” noted Gonsalves.

RCN Strengthening Ties
According to the Department of National Defence (DND), the RCN participates in exercises such as JoLTEX 24 to enhance its ability to work with partner nations.
“Exercises of this kind allow RCN ships and sailors to develop and refine their skills under realistic conditions, increasing their overall mission effectiveness, and affirming that the RCN remains a vital partner in maintaining peace and security,” said a statement from DND.