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Nominate a Military Woman Today for an ELLE-vation™ Award

The Pepper Pod’s ELLE-vation™ Awards recognize the achievements of women from the Canadian veteran, military, and RCMP communities who have supported, empowered, and lifted women around them. We celebrate women from diverse backgrounds, ranks, and stages of careers who go out of their way to champion other women.

Do you know a woman who has served or is serving in the Canadian Armed Forces or the RCMP who has distinguished herself through acts of support for other women?

ELLE-vation™ woman

An ELLE-vation™ woman is an extraordinary woman who celebrates sisters, empowers souls and raises the spirits of other amazing women.

She is a leader, mentor, ally, coach, game-changer, role model and everyday hero who elevates others with compassion, confidence and commitment.

  • She uses her influence to inspire change.
  • She is admired and respected for her authenticity, kindness and humility.
  • She has grit and fights for her beliefs, regardless of the barriers.
  • She rolls up her sleeves for what she is passionate about.
  • She fearlessly steps outside of her comfort zone to pave the way for other women to follow and succeed.

An ELLE-vation™ woman promotes, supports and shines light on other women to ensure they get noticed for their own good work.

Veteran and Pepper Pod founder Sandra Perron presented the ELLE-vation™ Awards to last year’s recipients.

Nomination a Woman

Do you know a woman who has served or is serving in the Canadian Armed Forces or the RCMP who has distinguished herself through acts of support for other women…either through one significant gesture or through multiple gestures of relentless lifting?

ELLE-vation™ Awards recipients will be selected from among the nominees to attend a special event at The Pepper Pod on Saturday, September 14th, 2024, as guests of honour, where they will be recognized for their dedication to elevating other women.

The Pepper Pod

The Pepper Pod is a women’s veteran retreat centre located in Chelsea, Quebec.

Their mission is to build a stronger community of women veterans by encouraging a healthy and supportive transition out of the military and RCMP.

For more information about their programs and events, visit here. We accept nominations of women from all stages of their careers and lives, representing all ranks, trades, classifications, and experience.

It’s easy to nominate…simply fill out the ELLE-vation™ Awards Nomination Form online at here no later than June 22nd, 2024.

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Canadian Military Family Magazine