Lending a helping hand to Ukrainians fleeing their war-torn country is Cpl. Evgen Glushkov, an Intelligence Operator from the 5th Canadian Division.
In our favourite photo of the week this week, Cpl. Glushkov is helping Ukrainian refugees with their paperwork at a reception centre supporting Operation Reassurance in Warsaw, Poland. The image was taken on April 23.
In early April, 150 additional military personnel were deployed to Operation Reassurance to support and care for Ukrainian refugees.
These soldiers were deployed to address the growing refugee crisis between the Polish and Ukrainian border.
Their main tasks include:
- processing Ukrainian refugees,
- general support,
- spiritual services,
- limited medical help, and
- supporting Polish-led humanitarian assistance task force and assessing Refugees Citizenship Canada by acting as a liaison to assist more Ukrainians in resettling in Canada.