Many to One hosting annual auction to raise money for PTSD
Back for the fourth year, Many to One will be hosting their online auction, April 16 – 22, 2018.
This year, they have over $10,000 worth of items from companies spread across the U.S. and Canada. Including veteran owned and operated companies, such as Arrowhead Coffee and Tactical Beaver.
“Those are the types of groups we’re trying to help with PTSD, the military guys and girls that come back and need our assistance,” said Renee Mair, CEO, and Founder of Many to One.
Last year’s auction raised nearly $5,000, so this year they hope to surpass that goal. The money raised will help further develop their website, a database of PTSD resources.
“We do have the beta version of it up right now, so the money that we raise from this auction will be used to hire a programmer to make the website more user-friendly and more secure,” said Mair.
When asked about why an online fundraising auction was chosen, Mair said it was the best way to reach out to a larger mass of supporters and have the ability to accommodate the U.S. vendors and supporters, which Mair said they have a lot more of.
“The majority of people that donated from different companies are people that we met at a US tradeshow. Even though we’re a Canadian charity, we find it very difficult to find support in Canada,” said Mair.
Although grateful for the American support, Many to One really wants to bring in more Canadian support, and Mair said by bringing in veteran-owned companies, supporting them and helping to get their name out there.
Many to One wants for the auction to be more than just a fundraiser, but for it to give back to the companies that have supported them along the way.
“Especially the ones that are vet owned to give them some publicity. Many to One really wants to build a partnership and a support basis with these companies,” said Mair.
Many to One will have a large variety of items to bid on to pique anyone’s interests, including an item needing to remain in the U.S. because ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) deems it inadmissible into Canada, providing an example of the range of support they receive.
The auction begins at 12 p.m. on April 16 and ends at 11:59 p.m.
For more information or a list of items being sold, please click here.