Golf Tournament honours Military Personnel on Stalker 822
To honour the six Canadian Armed Forces members who lost their lives in the Stalker 822 crash, families host annual golf tournament.
The Memorial Stalker 822 Golf Tournament is teeing off on August 22, 2022. This year marks the second year of the tournament.
“Since the loss of Stalker 822, the families are left with these holes in their lives. Missed birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas,” said tournament organizer Shane Cowbrough.
He added, “I wanted for the families, myself included, at least one happy memory each year. Something where friends, family, and coworkers could come together to reflect, remember, and celebrate the time they were in our lives.”

Cowbrough lost his daughter Sub-Lieutenant Abbigail Cowbrough in the tragic accident. Master Corporal Matthew Cousins, Captain Kevin Hagen, Captain Brenden MacDonald, Captain Maxime Miron-Morin, and Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Pyke also lost their lives when the CH-148 Cyclone Helicopter, Stalker 822, crashed in the Ionian Sea on April 29, 2022.
The tournament will be held at Hartlen Point Force Golf Club in Shearwater, Nova Scotia. Last year the tournament sold out with 148 participants plus volunteers and raised $13,000 for Soldier-On.
Cowbrough noted that most elements from last year’s tournament would remain the same this year with a few notable changes.

“The corporate support has been overwhelming. This year The Veteran Farm Project Society has joined us to support our Memorial hole, where we have photos of the crew placed. There, the participants will have the opportunity to reflect and remember them, as well as lay a flower in their memory. The flowers are donated by The Veteran Farm Project and grown in their garden dedicated to SLt. Abbigail Cowbrough.”
Again, proceeds from this year’s tournament will be donated to Solider On.
“Soldier On, a program of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) which contributes to the recovery of ill and injured CAF members and veterans by providing opportunities and resources through sport, recreational, and creative activities,” noted the tournament’s website.
Stalker 822 crashed off the coast of Greece during Operation REASSURANCE on April 29, 2020.
For more information, visit here.