Election CoverageEvents

Climate change, eliminating post-secondary education tuition and updating Veterans Charter part of Green Party’s Platform

If elected in to government, the Green Party led by Elizabeth May would help Canadians adapt to climate change, eliminate post-secondary education tuition, and honour Veterans by updating the Veterans Charter and ensuring all Veterans have access to necessary services.

The Green Party states in their platform, a commitment to build, and keep peace and “are committed to expanding Canada’s peace-keeping role internationally,” while utilizing the Canadian Armed Forces on Canadian soil to provide “realistic options to the government in domestic security emergencies, continental defence and international operations.”

If elected, May promises to ensure military personnel support investing in stable funding, including naval and coast guard vessels that can operate in the Arctic Ocean, fixed-wing search and rescue aircraft, and helicopters.

“We are fully aware of the dangers of militarism and the need to defend against it, both at home and on the global stage. We support the United Nations’ doctrine of the duty to protect and refuse to place corporate interests ahead of ethical action to protect vulnerable populations.”

Some of the proposed changes to shit Canada’s role on the world stage are:

● Ban autonomous weapons and work for a global pact to make them illegal.
● Cancelling contracts to provide Saudi Arabia with armoured vehicles and ban the importation of Saudi oil.
● Lower the voting age to 16, giving young people more say in their future and instilling habits of civic participation.
● Make college and university tuition-free for all Canadian students.

The Green Party has also repeatedly criticized Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and the Veterans Charter.

May promises to “Work with veterans’ organizations to review and update the Veterans Charter and the processes, structure, and mandate of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board to ensure all veterans are treated fairly and with respect.”

May has also promised to repeal the section of the Superannuation Act the denies pensions to surviving spouses of certain workers, including RCMP and veterans, who married after 60, as well as ensure that all veterans have access to health care, mental health support, and treatments.

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Paige LeClair

As a recent graduate from the St. Thomas University Journalism program, Paige has a passion for storytelling and investigative journalism. In 2016, she, along with her journalism team were awarded first place at the Emerge Media Awards in the multimedia category. The team was also a finalist at the Canadian Association of Journalist Awards. She is excited to work with other military spouses providing stories and information to the military community. Paige is newly married to Andrew, a Lineman, and moved to their first posting in Petawawa in May of this year. She is excited to begin this journey with Andrew, their dog Diablo, and cat, Linux

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