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Royal Canadian Air Force looking for current-serving members
The Royal Canadian Air Force is looking for current-serving members interested in a challenging new career.
Briefing teams will be visiting locations across the country throughout the month of May to meet with potential candidates and interested Canadian Air Force members.
Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (AES Op), Flight Engineer (Flt Engr) and Search and Rescue Technician (SAR Tech) are currently open for recruitment.
“This year we are looking to fill positions for 32 Flight Engineers, 16 Search and Rescue Technicians and 23 AES Ops. However, each year varies,” said Lt Melanie Aqiqi, Public Affairs Officer.
To qualify to move forward with a career as an AES Op or SAR Tech, members must be in the Voluntary Occupational Transfer (VOT) program.
This program is designed to offer serving members an opportunity to change career fields while continuing to serve Canada in uniform. Many personnel take advantage of these OT programs each year, extending their careers in the CAF, acquiring new skills, and working in a new operational environment.
AES Ops work as the eyes and ears of military commanders, employing advanced airborne sensor equipment such as radar, sonar, and forward-looking infra-red cameras.
AES Ops serves on three types of aircraft: the CP-140 Aurora Long-Range Patrol aircraft, the CH-148 Cyclone Maritime Helicopter, and the soon-to-be-delivered CC-295 Fixed Wing Search and Rescue aircraft.
SAR Techs help save hundreds of Canadians each year from coast to coast. They are highly-trained specialists in parachuting, hoisting, scuba diving, rock climbing, and arctic survival skills to deliver life-saving emergency medicine.
Although both trades are open to current-serving members, applicants must still meet the basic requirements.
“A new trade, whether off the street or transferring occupations within service, requires that the same training standards be met to pass the necessary courses required in the new trade,” says Lt. Aqiqi.
The third occupation open for recruitment is open to civilian applicants as well as active members.
Flt Engr’s are active in air operations as an essential member of the flight crew. This occupation offers a wide range of roles, aircraft types, and locations.
Successful candidates will attend a basic occupation rank qualification course that last 60 days. Once successfully completed, new Flight Engineers will be posted to a squadron and receive operational training that is specific to the role and aircraft that will be flown.
The RCAF has announced that if there are members interested in any of the available positions, to contact their Wing or Base personnel selection office for more information including the date, time and location of the briefing in their area.