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POSEIDON CUTLASS- Sailors from the Navel Security Team deploy to train with the Republic of Fiji Navy

A team of approximately twelve sailors from the Naval Security Team of the Royal Canadian Navy was deployed on Aug. 11 from Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt to Fiji to conduct force generation training with the Republic of Fiji Navy.

This deployment is part of POSEIDON CUTLASS, a series of RCN deployments that solidify Canada’s commitment to peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.

“The RCN’s routine Asia Pacific deployments of the POSEIDON CUTLASS series continuously demonstrates Canada’s commitment to our regional friends and partners in this strategically important region. This Naval Security Team deployment is an important element of that effort and offers another excellent opportunity to reinforce our commitment and to underline our persistent presence while offering an opportunity to enhance our capabilities and improve RCN and Republic of Fiji Navy cooperation and interoperability. I look forward to the Naval Security Team’s continued contributions to our regional objectives during this deployment as the team builds on the success of its inaugural deployment to Korea earlier this summer,” said VAdm. Ron Lloyd, Commander Royal Canadian Navy.

The NST is a globally deployable naval team that provides enhanced force protection for the safety and security of RCN ships and personnel around the world.

The team is trained to dissuade and provide an adaptable response to maritime threats.

The NST recently was deployed to Korea in June in support of HMCS Winnipeg and HMCS Ottawa’s five month deployment on POSEIDON CUTLASS 17.

“The deployment of the Naval Security Team to Fiji will enable them to collaborate with members of the Maritime Tactical Operations Group to exchange perspectives and lessons learned with the Republic of Fiji Navy. Their participation in exercises, demonstrations and discussions will be an invaluable opportunity to strengthen relations and further develop Naval Security Team capabilities and those of the host nation’s participating forces,” said RAdm. Art McDonald, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific.

The NST will re-deploy on Aug. 20.


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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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