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Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE Pinnacle of 2015
The Canadian Army’s largest annual exercise came to an end on May 16th 2015 at the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC) in Wainwright, Alberta. Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE was the largest and most complex to date with approximately 6 750 military personnel from the Canadian Army, the Royal Canadian Air Force, the United States and the United Kingdom.
The Canadian Army trains to build fully deployable and combat effective units able to lead military operations at home and abroad. The goal of Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE was to test and validate the readiness of participating units to deploy to anywhere in the world, at any time. The designated high-readiness task force for the Canadian Army this year is the 5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, based in Valcartier, Quebec.

Maple Resolve 15
“Focused on providing the best possible training for the Canadian Army’s high-readiness Task Forces, Exercise Maple Resolve is the premier land-based collective, joint training opportunity for the Canadian Armed Forces,” said Colonel Martin Frank, Commander of the CMTC.

Cpl True-dee McCarthy, Wainwright Imagery Section
Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE provided soldiers with a unique and challenging opportunity to practice conventional war-fighting skills, preparing them for a wide range of operations. This exercise sets the stage for Canadian Army soldiers to sharpen their skills in a realistic, complex and challenging operating environment. The force-on-force phase of the exercise took place from 2 to 17 May, 2015. During those two weeks, troops practiced Full Spectrum Operations, including tactical moves, deliberate attacks, mobile defence, air mobile assaults and assistance to Non-Governmental Organizations.
We thank the Canadian Army Public Affairs Office Zoltan Csepregi, Directorate Army Public Affairs for the story.
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