As we near the end of 2019 and get ready for 2020, one thing that is always popular among new parents or parents-to-be, the BabyCenter yearly names list.
The registrations have been counted, and parents have shown that change is the only constant when it comes to naming baby girls.
This year, coming in on top, Sophia, with Greek origins meaning wisdom. Having been in the top five most of the decade, Sophia was dropped to 18th place last year. But, it climbed it’s way back to top spot sending Ava, 2018 leader down to 7th place.
A few new names were able to also make their way to the top five, including Olivia which jumped up 16 spots to second place, Emma climbed six to claim third place, Amelia rose by eight to fourth place, and Aria which was eighth last year claimed the final spot in the top 5.
Top 10 Baby Girl Names in Canada for 2019
- Sophia +14
- Olivia +16
- Emma +6
- Amelia +8
- Aria +3
- Charlotte +26
- Ava -6
- Mia -6
- Mila +15
- Chloe +17
The article noted, “there were plenty of new kids on the block. Over a third of names in the top 100 were new entries. Many were solid classics such as Sarah, Julia and Claire while others were a nod to a more distant past, including Penelope, Florence, and Athena proving that BabyCenter parents can take something old and make it new again!”
Harper made the largest comeback this year as it rose from the 98th spot to number 23.
Names that dropped out of the top 100 list included: Gia, Nia, Amy, Kira, Noa, Sky and Joy.
Unlike the girls’ top name list, consistency was the name of the game for the boys of 2019. The most popular name remains relatively unchanged compared to 2018.
Jackson is in at number one this year, with Liam coming in at a close second.
Noah, Lucas, Benjamin, Oliver, and Logan have continued to dominate the top 10 for almost a decade.
BabyCentre noted, “Fifteen new recruits made it to the top 100 this year, many harking back to days gone by, like Christopher, arriving at number 93, Anthony at 90 and, Felix at an impressive 38.”
Top Baby Boy Names in 2019 CANADA
- Jackson +1
- Noah +1
- Liam -2
- Lucas +0
- Benjamin +3
- Oliver +0
- Ethan +8
- Jacob +3
- Leo +9
- Logan -5
If you are looking for inspiration outside of Canadian popularity, there are plenty of traditional, or modern names to choose from, from around the world.
Looking internationally might help you find a new name you love. Below is the list of the number one names from countries spanning across the globe.
Top Baby Names Around the World
- Maryam (Arabia)
- Amelia (Australia)
- Helena (Brazil)
- Hannah (Germany)
- Arya (India)
- Olivia (UK)
- Sophia (US)
- Sofia (US Spanish)
- Mohammed (Arabia)
- Oliver (Australia)
- Miguel (Brazil)
- Leon (Germany)
- Muhammad (India & UK)
- Liam (US)
- Mateo (US Spanish)
To read more about the top 100 baby girl names visit here.
To read more about the top 100 boys names visit this page.