CF Families

Acknowledging Military Spouses

For the last four decades, our neighbours south of the border have united in celebrating the unsung heroes of their country: military spouses.

It’s no secret that military spouses, whether American or Canadian, are the glue that holds military families together. And in turn, military spouses allow our service members to stand in the line of duty with complete confidence.

Recognizing the selfless sacrifices of military spouses, the Friday before Mother’s Day is designated as Military Spouse Appreciation Day. This year, the day falls on May 10.

The United States enacted Military Spouse Appreciation Day in the spring of 1984. When then-president Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first holiday.

Celebrating Spouses for 40 Years

The United States enacted Military Spouse Appreciation Day in the spring of 1984. When then-president Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first holiday, he stated, “In many instances, they subordinated their personal and professional aspirations to the greater benefit of the service family. Responding to the call of duty, they frequently endured long periods of separation or left familiar surroundings and friends to re-establish their homes in distant places. And there, they became American ambassadors abroad.

“As volunteers, military spouses have provided exemplary service and leadership in educational, community, recreational, religious, social and cultural endeavours. And as parents and homemakers, they preserve the cornerstone of our Nation’s strength – the American family.”

In 2017, Donald Trump issued a Presidential proclamation for Military Spouse Day.

Although the day is widely celebrated across the United States, it has yet to be officially celebrated in Canada.

Military Spouse Day in Canada

Although the day is widely celebrated across the United States, it has yet to be officially celebrated in Canada. In 2022, a former military spouse attempted to have the government celebrate Military Spouse Day in an official capacity. However, the e-petition was not accepted by the government and was tabled.

Instead, in 2019, the government passed an official and more general Military Family Appreciation Day. The day is celebrated on the third Friday in September of every year.

From 2018, CAF Minister Sajjan and Minister O’Regan met with different participants from the provinces and territories to discuss the Seamless Canada initiative.

Support for Military Spouses

Despite not having an official day to recognize military spouses in particular, there are a number of supports available to spouses. Considering the heavy lifting and sacrifices military spouses, and partners, make in support of their serving member, the government and many non-profit organizations have created programs to serve military spouses and their needs.

For example, in 2018, Seamless Canada was launched to improve services to CAF members and their families when they relocate from province to province. Seamless Canada’s work has led to waiving the 90-day waiting period to enrol in provincial healthcare and improved access to employment and training for military spouses.

Institutions like the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVIR) and Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families are making it their mission to provide research on military families to relevant medical and government organizations. Military Family Services offers the Military Spousal Employment Network and CareerCOACH+ to aid spouses in finding suitable employment.

To learn more about MFS’ Military Spousal Employment Network, click here. To learn more about Seamless Canada, click here.

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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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Canadian Military Family Magazine