Beyond The Uniform
New Veterans Ombudsman announced
Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan announced the appointment of Mr L. Craig Dalton as new Ombudsperson for the Department of Veterans Affairs earlier this week.
With over 25 years experience with the Canadian Armed Forces, Dalton has served in a number of key positions, including Commander of Canadian Forces Base Gagetown and serving as Army Commander responsible for the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, Chief of Staff Canadian Army Doctrine Training Center; and Chief Operating Officer/Commanding Officer Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team.
Most recently, Dalton has served as Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services in the Government of Prince Edward Island, and similar positions in the Government of New Brunswick. He will be taking over the position from Mr Guy Parent who has been Ombudsperson since 2010. The position is effective November 11, for a term of five years.
“I welcome Mr Dalton as the new Veterans Ombudsperson. Mr Dalton’s extensive experience and leadership as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces will serve Veterans well. I would also like to extend my thanks to Mr Parent for his service as the Veterans Ombudsperson,” says The Honourable Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence.
The Veterans Ombudsperson provides advice to Veterans Affairs Canada on the well-being of Veterans and their families. The role allows the appointed Ombudsperson the mandate to review complaints arising from the Veterans Bill of Rights and issues related to the programs and services administered by the Department and they facilitate access by clients to programs and services by providing them with information and referrals.
These appointments were made under the Government of Canada’s new approach to Governor in Council appointments. This approach supports open, transparent and merit-based selection processes that strive for gender parity and reflect Canada’s diversity, to support Ministers in making appointment recommendations for positions within their portfolio by providing them with information and referrals.
Click here for more information on the Veterans Affairs Ombudsperson