Deployment TipsterWhile They're Away

Celebrating Despite the Circumstances

Military life comes with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. One of the hardest to overcome is accepting the reality that holidays, celebrations, and a ton of special events may not be the way you want them to be – you may be miles away from all that is familiar, finances could be stretched, your military member could be deployed, friends and family are a long way away, etc.

I quickly discovered that I could either treat holidays and special occasions as something to survive or make the most of what I have. After nearly 20 years of military life, I have discovered that if you are waiting for the perfect holiday, birthday, anniversary, Christmas, etc., you may be waiting a long time.

Megan’s Top 10 Tips:

Waiting for the ideal holiday means that you miss out on a lot of laughter, fun, and possibly, new and exciting adventures. It also means that you miss living life. Putting everything on hold isn’t realistic or healthy for anyone. Here are my Top 10 tips when it comes to celebrating despite our circumstances.

Make a holiday “to do” list

Focus on what you and your family would like to do rather than what they want. I was surprised and relieved to discover that most of the time, our lists include over 75 per cent of things that will cost us next to nothing. This summer, we made a list of 100 things we wanted to have accomplished before September. It has been a great way of refocusing us while their Dad is away. It has given them something to look forward to, goals to achieve, and a bit of a challenge.

Track Your Finances

Have a good understanding of what your budget is for celebrations and holidays. Try using an app to track your spending so that you stay on track and don’t add to your stress by having more debt after the fact.

Find the Positives about Where You are Living

We can easily fall into the trap of complaining about where we live and why it is less than wonderful. Take 10 minutes to sit down and find 10 things you like about where you live, and then focus on those. It seems simple, but you can change the way you feel by focusing on the positives. If you live in a PMQ, think about all the stresses you don’t have that come with homeownership, etc.

Plan Events in Advance

Planning means that you may have more people able to attend, you won’t feel as stressed and rushed, and you will have something to look forward to. In addition, when you are more organized for an event or holiday, you end up living more in the moment and enjoying it rather than racing around last minute or discovering that you waited too long to invite people and now no one can make it.

Learn About Your Community

Take the time to find out what supports and services are available to you as a military family. It surprised and saved me to discover all of the resources and services that were available to me (without the Petawawa MFRC childcare drop-in/off, I might have lost my mind!).

Create New Traditions

Find out what unique celebrations or events occur around you and try something new with your friends and family. Making new occasions and activities can make the other ones easier to cope with. The more events you have in a year, the more likely you will be able to spend some of them altogether or where you want to be.

Focus on the Every Day

I don’t think that life is all about focusing on birthdays or celebrations such as Christmas or Valentine’s Day. Instead, try having an unbirthday party or go out for dinner for no reason and focus less on the ‘big’ events so that when they are missed by one or more of you, it isn’t the end of the world.

Time is a Bigger Gift Than You Think

Putting down the electronics can be a better gift than buying more technology. When I ask my kids what they want most, they are usually not things that money can buy (a family game night, a family dinner, a bike ride, a tobogganing day, etc.). They want my 100% focus and time. When I give it to them and put down the phone or get off the computer, we all end up happier. So over the holidays, set aside technology-free time – everyone will benefit.

Make Technology Your Friend

While I know tip Number 7 encourages you to put away technology, there is a time and a place for it too. Blogging, Skype, Facebook, etc., did not come naturally to me, but I made ‘friends’ with them, and it helped bridge the miles and missed moments. The kids post pictures, tell about my failings, talk about their day and what they are missing. It also helps my husband to reconnect with us and not feel so left out.


You may not feel in the mood to celebrate or acknowledge a holiday, but it is vital that you do – for yourself. If you have a family member that is away or you are too far to be with friends and family, find another way to have fun. You will not only feel better, but those who love and care about you will also feel better knowing that you aren’t at home alone and feeling sorry for yourself.

If you have children, you are modelling that life goes on even when there is change – a life skill that will take them far. So think about what you have endured, accomplished, and what you are doing as a tough job (being a part of a military family) and celebrate it.

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Megan Egerton

Megan Egerton Graham is the author and creator of the While You Were Away series of books and programs. She has taught every grade from Kindergarten to grade 12. Her specialists are in Guidance (Deployment) and Special Education (Behaviour). She has been a guidance counselor for several years and now works as a Principal for the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. Megan has taught on military base schools and is a military wife and mother of two. Her husband continues to be an active member of the Canadian forces. She has also written a Deployment Handbook and Reunion Handbook for the Canadian Forces and continues to work with Military Resource and Readiness Centers, social workers, deployment support co-ordinators and school liasions both in Canada and the US. She travels around North America providing support to schools, military bases and personnel working with Military families. She is continuing to write books to strengthen and develop resilency within military families. For more information about her blogs, books and resources go to: To submit a tip write to [email protected].

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