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Rangers introduce new training program
In order to modernize the Canadian Rangers, the Rangers will be piloting a Canadian Ranger Patrol Leader course from May 21 to 28 at the Farnham Garrison, Quebec.
The course will be attended by forty Canadian Rangers and ten Ranger instructors from the five Canadian Ranger Patrol Groups (CRPGs) and gives the participants a chance to gain relevant and practical instruction in leadership theory and management for all those Rangers hoping to progress to a patrol leadership position.
“With the invaluable assistance of Canadian Ranger Patrol Groups on the national level and the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre, we are confident that this course will equip future Canadian Ranger leaders with all the tools to accomplish their mission with renewed effectiveness,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Bruno Plourde, Commander, 2 Canadian Ranger Patrol Group.
According to a Canadian Armed Forces press release, the training will focus on mission-related challenges requiring Rangers to adapt to evolving or dynamic situations. Specifically, it will focus on responsibilities for leadership positions in a patrol like the use of task procedure, conducting a patrol in an area of responsibility, establishing a firing range, constructing an austere landing airstrip and landing point, patrol administration, basic exercise training, and command of a patrol.
“We are continuing the momentum created by the pilot Canadian Ranger Basic Military Indoctrination course that took place last April to now support the Canadian Ranger patrol leadership. These leaders are critical to achieving the vision of the Canadian Army: a professional and integrated force centred on the well-trained and well-led soldier,” said Brigadier-General Rob Roy MacKenzie, Canadian Ranger National Authority
The Canadian Rangers fall under the umbrella of the CAF Reserve Force. Currently, there are 5,000 rangers living in 200 communities. Organized into 5 CRPGs, the Rangers provide patrols and detachments for national security and public safety missions in remote and sparsely populated areas of northern, coastal and isolated areas of Canada that cannot be easily or economically covered by other parts of the CAF.
Featured image: Members of the 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group observe a moment of silence as part of the National Day of Honour on May 9, 2014 in Victoria, B.C.