
Canada Transfers Command of Standing NATO Maritime Group Two

Early last December, Commodore Matthew Coates transferred command of Standing North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) to Rear Admiral H. İlker Avcı of the Turkish Navy during a ceremony at the Aksaz Naval Base in Türkiye.

“As I transfer command of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Standing Maritime Group Two to our esteemed Turkish allies,” stated Cmdre Coates, “I want to express my deep pride in the exceptional work carried out by the dedicated crews of the ships under my command over the past five months. Together, we have strengthened NATO’s maritime presence and upheld the security of the Alliance’s waters with professionalism and commitment. It has been an honour to lead this distinguished group, and I am confident the mission will continue to thrive under the leadership of our Turkish partners.”

SNMG2 units His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown, Spanish combat supply ship ESPS Cantabria, and Spanish Frigate ESPS Cristóbal Colón joined forces with allied units Federal German Ship (FGS) Hamburg and Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Gemisi (TCG) Giresun, for a series of joint training exercises. Image courtesy of NATO.

His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown

According to the media announcement, Cmdre Coates commanded SNMG2 from Flagship His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown from July to December 2024. Under his command, SNMG2 conducted 13 port visits and spent 120 days at sea. Com. Coates has commanded warships from five different Allied navies, ranging from two to a peak of five ships of various types and capabilities, which included:

  • frigates
  • a replenishment vessel,
  • three maritime helicopters and
  • up to 1,100 NATO personnel under his command.

“I am proud of the efforts of Canadian Armed Forces members deployed as part of Operation REASSURANCE aboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ship Charlottetown as the flagship of the Standing North Atlantic Treaty Organization Maritime Group Two (SNMG2),” remarked Lieutenant-General Steve Boivin, Commander, Canadian Joint Operations Command. “During our command of SNMG2, we demonstrated professionalism and skill, reinforced the value of combat interoperability, and stood side-by-side with our allies to deter aggression and defend Allied territory. Well done to all the members of the team who made this deployment such a success.”

The Commander of SNMG2 Cmdre Coates and staff visit the Naval Command College at Augusta Naval Base where they had the opportunity to engage with the program’s staff and learn about the invaluable training and leadership development happening there. Image courtesy of NATO.

Monitored Several Russian Vessels

Cmdre Coates said SNMG2 participated in NATO’s Exercise DYNAMIC GUARD, NATO vigilance activity Neptune Strike 24-2, and interacted with nine allied and partner navies in the Mediterranean Sea. The task group also monitored several Russian surface and sub-surface vessels during this period as part of their mission.

“It has been a tremendous privilege to see the Canadian-led Standing North Atlantic Treaty Organization Maritime Group Two contribute to NATO’s maritime security during their five-month rotation,” stated Rear Admiral Josée Kurtz, Commander, Maritime Component Command.

“The professionalism, expertise, and unwavering dedication of all ships in their fleet have been instrumental to our Alliance’s collective resolve in the Mediterranean region and I am confident that their legacy of excellence will inspire success as command transitions to Turkey. As their mission concludes, I congratulate Commodore Matt Coates for his leadership, his staff – Canadian and multi-national – for their team’s focus, and His Majesty’s Canadian Ship Charlottetown for holding flagship duties in a steadfast manner. Bravo Zulu!”

SNMG2’s commander visited the crew of FGS Hamburg, as they sail together for joint training in the region. The cooperation between Hamburg and SNMG2 strengthens our collective defence and trust, making us stronger together. Image courtesy of NATO.

Provide NATO Continuous Maritime Capability

SNMG2 is one of NATO’s four standing naval maritime immediate reaction forces that routinely conduct operations in the Mediterranean Sea. These groups provide NATO with a continuous maritime capability for operations and other activities in peacetime and in periods of crisis and conflict.

They also help to establish Alliance presence and deterrence, demonstrate solidarity, conduct routine diplomatic visits to different countries, support transformation and NATO interoperability, and provide a variety of military maritime capabilities to ongoing missions.

This deployment was part of Operation REASSURANCE, which sees Canada deploy Royal Canadian Navy ships on a rotational basis, employed primarily for exercises and operational tasks with NATO’s Standing Naval Forces. This mission is Canada’s contribution to NATO deterrence and defence measures in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea.

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