
CAF Seeks Defence Team Members for Restorative Engagement Representatives

Above image Deputy Minister of DND, Stefanie Beck, left, and Chief of the Defence Staff, Gen. Jennie Carignan, right.

As part of the  CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action Final Settlement, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have implemented the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre’s Restorative Engagement (RE) program.

The Restorative Engagement program not only provides CAF and DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action Members a chance to be acknowledged but also allows Defence representatives to “learn, understand, plan, act and lead as catalysts” for institutional change regarding sexual misconduct.

“The RE program enables a restorative approach as a response to harm and helps to build an inclusive and respectful culture,” stated Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Jennie Carignan, and Deputy Minister of DND, Stefanie Beck, in a message to all CAF and DND members.

CAF and DND members are now encouraged to become defence representatives.


A defence representative is defined as any CAF member or DND public service employee. According to DND, the Defence representative must commit to listening with an open mind, participating actively, learning to engage restoratively.

What is a Defence representative?

Gen. Carignan and the Deputy Minster issued the message to strongly encourage DND and CAF members to become Defence representatives.

“Culture change is about showing up as an organization, as leaders, as employees, and CAF members within this institution to repair trust and actively contribute to positive change within the Defence Team.”

A Defence representative is defined as any CAF member or DND public service employee. According to DND, the Defence representative must commit to listening with an open mind, participating actively, learning to engage restoratively “without causing harm,” carrying what they learn throughout their career in DND, and contributing to the DND and CAF’s culture to prevent sexual misconduct.

“Their work in the program is to first acknowledge and learn from the experiences and insights of those who have been harmed by sexual misconduct. Then, they plan and prepare to take meaningful action to contribute to culture change,” stated the RE program website.

The program will allow participants to engage in meaningful conversations about the causes, impacts and systematic nature of sexual misconduct.

About the Program

Those members who decide to become Defence representatives participate in the program in a group of eight other people. The program is facilitated by skilled and experienced restorative practitioners.

The program will allow participants to engage in meaningful conversations about the causes, impacts and systematic nature of sexual misconduct.

“The meaningful dialogue amongst cohort members leads to the creation of a plan that lays out concrete actions they commit to taking in their job and unit/team to significantly contribute to culture change.

“Participants learn how to challenge their own assumptions and biases about sexual misconduct, learning from, acknowledging, and hearing about the real impacts sexual misconduct has had on affected people (CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action members or “class members”),” reads the CDS and Deputy Minister statement.

Representatives can participate in the program in either a full-time or part time capacity.

To become a defence representative, the message notes to reach out to your chain of command or manager to get approval and send an email expressing interest.

Image courtesy CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action Settlement website. 

More Information

Anyone who has been impacted by sexual misconduct, either directly or indirectly, is encouraged to reach out to the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre’s 24/7 line at 1-844-750-1648.

Read more about the CAF-DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action here.

To learn more about the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre’s Restorative Engagement (RE) program, visit here.

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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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