Duty Calls

Canadian Armed Forces Currently Filling Canadian Defence Attache Positions

Take a career leap and travel the world by applying for a Canadian Defence Attache Program (CDA) position.

The Directorate of Foreign Liaison (DFL) is currently looking to fill Canadian Defence Attache, Deputy CDA, and CDA Assistant positions for Language Training for the annual posting season (APS) 2025. Additionally, spots are also up for grabs for postings to any one of the 46 CDA Offices around the world, according to a recent military memo.

“The CDA program’s purpose is to directly support all DND and CAF Defence diplomacy and global engagement programs, achieving greater interoperability and enhanced delivery of defence capabilities for ongoing, contingency, and potential operations in accordance with defence outcomes supporting Canada’s defence policy,” stated CANFORGEN 136/24.

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members interested in applying can choose any posting they prefer. However, the military explicitly states priority is given to candidates who are flexible.

Canada’s Global Ambassadors

The role of a CDA member is to “build, sustain and nurture” defence and military relationships with the country in which they are posted. The hope is that fostering positive relationships will ensure timely and relevant information relevant to Canada is readily available. This information, in turn, can support strategic and operational decisions.

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members interested in applying can choose any posting they prefer. However, the military explicitly states priority is given to candidates who are flexible.

There are a number of requirements for CAF members interested in applying. These requirements, according to the CANFORGEN, are:

  • Officers can be any MOSID
  • NCMS must be HRA, FSA, AND INT OPS. Other MOSIDs can apply will only be considered if no other candidates are available.
  • Must be a Canadian citizen
  • Regular Force NCMS must be Sgt/PO2
  • Regular Force Officers must Major/LCdr to Col/Capt (N)
  • Operationally qualified in current MOSID
  • Meet medical category
  • Have Level III (top secret) clearance

Reservists will only be considered if no suitable Regular Force member is available.

CAF members interested in applying can send their Notice of Intent to DFL by Oct. 18.

Applying Process

CAF members interested in applying can send their Notice of Intent to DFL by Oct. 18.

They must include:

  • Chain of Command,
  • career manager, and or
  • Branch endorsement for DFL to consider.

“Files will be evaluated to ascertain compliance and to assess program employability. DFL Target is to notify acceptable applicants to participate in subsequent selection phases by Nov. 8, 2024,” stated the CANFORGEN.

Those chosen can be posted for up to three years after completing the CDA Readiness Program. Successful candidates will join the program by February 2025 until their departure or language training, which commences in July 2025.

CAF personnel are advised that CDARP and the CDA Program, in general, are information-sensitive. Therefore, applicants are not able to discuss their application process outside of their chain of command and close family.

For more information, CAF members can reach out to  DFL SELECTION at: DFL(UNDERSCORE)MAIL(AT)FORCES.GC.CA.

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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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