Soaring hundreds of metres above the Mediterranean Sea, MCpl. Johanna Flawn peers out of a CH-148 Cyclone helicopter to gather intelligence in our favourite photo of the week.
Shot by Cpl. Braden Trudeau, Formation Imaging Services, on Aug. 30, 2019, the image features MCpl. Flawn, an Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator. Flawn was part of the Helicopter Air Detachment aboard Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Halifax, the Flagship of Standing NATO Maritime Group Two.
The photograph intelligence gathered by Flawn helped to build maritime situational awareness in associated support of NATO’s Op Sea Guardian.
NATO’s Op Sea Guardian operated in the Mediterranean Sea, and its goal was to build maritime security capacity, support maritime situational awareness, and maritime counter-terrorism.
The Canadian Armed Forces participate in NATO operations such as this under Operation Reassurance, the CAF’s contribution to NATO’s deterrence and assurance measures in Central and Eastern Europe.
Image courtesy of the Canadian Armed Forces.