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Families welcome HMCS St. John’s crew home after six-month deployment

After the completion of a successful six-month deployment sailing in European seas, Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) St. John’s returned to its home port of Halifax, NS on Monday, July 17.

The ship and her crew of 240 personnel were deployed on Op. REASSURANCE, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) contribution to support NATO assurance and deterrence measures and promote security in Eastern Europe.

“HMCS St. John’s and all in the ship’s company have served Canada with great distinction in distant waters. We can all be very proud of these fellow Canadians. Whether monitoring conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, helping build new partnerships in North Africa or undertaking surveillance in far northern waters, these men and women served NATO with professionalism and determination. From the feedback received from NATO commanders and partners at sea, St. John’s was indeed a much-sought reassurance of Alliance solidarity and readiness on the interconnected seas,” said RAdm. John Newton, Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic.

In the last six months, HMCS St. John’s has sailed the Black Sea, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. By patrolling the international waters of the Black Sea, off North Africa and along the Syrian coast, HMCS St. John’s was able to confirm a clear increase in foreign military activity.

“Over the last six months, HMCS St. John’s has demonstrated Canada’s resolve and commitment to the NATO alliance. Whether participating in world class training, conducting full-spectrum maritime operations, or fostering mutual understanding and strengthening relationships with allied nations during port visits, St. John’s contributed to Alliance assurance and deterrence measures throughout. It has been a privilege to command such a positive, hard-working and professional group of shipmates during this deployment. They consistently brought great credit to the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Armed Forces,” said Cmdr. Sheldon Gillis, Commanding Officer, Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship St. John’s.

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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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